
StructHDP program from Shringarpure et al. (2011) "StructHDP: automatic inference of number of clusters and population structure from admixed genotype data"

View the Project on GitHub suyashss/structhdp


StructHDP is a program for automatically inferring the population structure and number of clusters from a sample of admixed genotype data. It extends the model used by Structure to allow for a potentially infinite number of populations and then chooses the number of populations that best explain the data.

Version History

1.1 (05/04/2016) Added support for generating Stirling numbers for larger datasets.

1.0 (09/08/2015) Intial public release.


StructHDP: automatic inference of number of clusters and population structure from admixed genotype data Suyash Shringarpure, Daegun Won, Eric P. Xing Bioinformatics 2011 27: i324-i332


Please contact Suyash Shringarpure ( for any questions about the program